If you are interested in scheduling a video conference, here are some things to know:
- Theresa Miller handles the scheduling for Teer 215. To reserve space in Teer 215 go to http://www.pratt.duke.edu/reserving-space
- Pratt has one video conference enabled room: Teer 215 (occupancy is 6). It is an IP-based system and will only communicate with another IP-based system (not ISDN). Our equipment will not communicate with someone's computer/laptop and a webcam.
- Once you have confirmation from Theresa that you have been able to secure time in the room, please contact Pratt IT for support (see #4, below, for instructions on doing so). While Pratt IT has a thee (3) business-day advance notice policy for AV support, it is highly recommended that you give us even more time than that, if possible, for a video conference as we will want to schedule and run tests with the far end in advance of your call.
- To contact Pratt IT, please submit a ticket to http://it.pratt.duke.edu/help and in the details section please let us know the date and time you have the room scheduled for and please give us the contact information of a tech person at the "far end."
- Once you submit a ticket to http://it.pratt.duke.edu/help (also called our "Remedy" system), please be on the lookout for e-mails from Pratt IT from this system (the sender will be "REMEDY-APP") - this is how we will correspond with you about your video conference.