Mapping a Drive to the NAS

On a PC

  1. From your computer's desktop right-click on "Computer" then select "Map Network Drive".
  2. Select a Drive from the dropdown list (or another drive currently not in use) and type the following path in the folder box: “\\\PRATT-GROUP\Pratt IT”, substituting your Department’s folder name for “Pratt IT”.
  3. Ensure the box "Reconnect at logon" is checked, and click "Finish".
  4. If prompted, in the Windows Security box, type your NetID credentials in the User name and Password fields, then check the box "Remember my credentials" and click OKNOTE: If your machine is not in the domain, you will have to enter User name as "win\NetID".

On a Mac

  1. Minimize all open windows and single-click anywhere on the background to make sure ‘Finder’ is the active application on the top left of the screen.
  2. Once you see ‘Finder’ in the top left corner, click the ‘Go’ button. Scroll down and click ‘Connect to Server’.
  3. Type the following path in the Server Address field:  “smb:// IT”, substituting your Department’s folder name for “Pratt IT”.
  4. Once the path is entered click the “+” sign, and then click “Connect”.

Make sure the “Registered User” radio button is selected. Enter your user name as“WIN\NetID” and password. Check the box to “Remember this password in the keychain” to allow the drive to automatically map next time you login. Click “Connect”.